Save the Innocent Little Democracy

The latest judgement by the United States Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade and left the issue of abortion to the States.

If you read just a little about the original case, you will learn the federal government ruled against Texas banning abortion. It was challenged years later in Planned Parenthood v Casey that ruled for the right to an abortion for the safety of the mother.

The conservative right argues that they are saving God’s innocent little babies. This is based on a false presumption that God cares since the Bible has no mention of unlawful abortion. It’s actually the opposite. The Bible has references to killing unborn children in the bellies of their enemies, but no mention of saving them.

Religion has no place in the Supreme Court or our government, but yet, here we are, arguing theology with 60 to 80 percent of the population in support of women’s rights to choose. Our nation is now corrupt.

The purpose of religion is answering the question of why we are here and what lies beyond.

When I was 12( the age of reason) I questioned the existence of God. I was afraid to even think the thoughts.

I’d been told my entire life that it was a sin to question God and I would go to Hell. But I just had to try and make sense of it and risk it. Why are there so many different religions? If only one is the correct one, and all others are wrong and they go to Hell, it seems like a pretty big crap shoot. My 12 year old brain was wildly confused.

When I realized that it wasn’t real, that religion had a different purpose than just obeying the man in the sky, I was freed from the constraints of a narrow view of the universe. I discovered and invented my own answers to some really deep questions. I learned later that I wasn’t the only one with those questions and answers. And God also never hit me with lightning.

I also feel like we as humans are incapable of understanding it all. Just as an insect, I presume, doesn’t understand calculus, we are not capable of understanding the vastness of energy around us. Maybe that’s spiritually. I accept that I don’t understand and never will, therefore it really isn’t that important.

I would never force anyone to follow rules of what I believe or don’t believe, but here we are now, being forced to follow the beliefs of right wing Christian conservatives who are the minority.

It is unconstitutional. It is a violation of the separation of Church and State. It is a corruption of our government years in the making.

If anything good comes of this, it’s the realization that the Right is dead serious about overtaking our nation. It is not in the interest of Democracy. It is self-serving and it is now proven very real.

Republicans have been installing radical politicians by appointing and gerrymandering members of the far right for over forty years. It’s a long and strategic ploy for control. Today, their efforts have again paid off in a very big way.

Currently, there are Trump Republicans in place as Secretaries of States standing by to corrupt the next election.
That sounds crazy, but it’s real.

It will be nearly impossible to reinstate the freedom of choice with women’s rights. The only hope to preserve our democracy and the rights of its citizens is to vote.

Vote out Trump followers who wish to corrupt our government based on lies.

Vote out the Republicans who pander to extreme right wing businesses, organizations, and Churches.

Vote to reinstate your actual fundamental beliefs, even if you’re a Republican.

Stop voting based on years of tradition and being convinced the Right is family friendly and good. It is not that anymore.

Vote to save the lives of the living children. Not amoebas or zygotes, or brainless blobs with a blood pump, or a machine that resembles the sound of a heartbeat, but actual living children regardless of their gender or preference. Maybe God would want you to do that, if he was real.