I Oppose

I can’t stand the sadness that I feel knowing that the ugliness of the people of our nation has been utterly exposed.

I’m disturbed by the deep disappointment I feel knowing that so many good people could follow the leadership of ignorance, deceit, and hatred.

I’m diminished by my own anger and resentment towards my fellow citizens and the realization that these changes cannot be undone.

I’m shaken by this knowledge that I will carry to my own grave.

I’m appalled by the view of family members and friends that I now see as the same mindset of people who oppressed the millions of humans in the past and present, simply through unknowing and unreconciled agreement with genecide, slavery, and the belief of self supremacy.

I oppose the people who support the corruption of our law enforcement funded by the very people which it openly oppresses and actively murders.

I oppose allowing the disgusting greed of the wealthy to abuse and restrict, to deny and control, and to empower the convinced self righteous.

I oppose the continuation of blindness, believing certain political leaders are good, when they are justifiably proven evil.

I oppose the use of psychology and emotion to manipulate the populus, enabling the fear machine that drives deceit, fueled by greed and power.

I oppose the loyalty to defiance of common sense and basic morality.

I’m dismantled by the knowledge that the poor intellect of so many is magnified by mass communication. The damage is reprehensible and undoable.

It is, and will be, the fall of our nation if we continue to allow it.