Today is January 19th, 2025.
It is the last day for The United States of America as we have known it.
Our nation has chosen to put a felon in power. A felon who has manipulated and lied to win an election. A criminal who has created a Supreme Court that will not hold him accountable for future crimes he will commit. A convicted Felon, who’s crimes involved payoffs and hush money and tax fraud and rape and collusion with an enemy government and destruction of classified documents. A criminal who is backed by extremist politicians that have infiltrated our House and Senate. A grifter who has taken over the Republican party, forever changing it into a new chaotic political force called MAGA.
The Republican party is no more.
American history shows that when our nation is ruled by the super wealthy, by corporations that value profits over quality of life, we all suffer. The economy gets disrupted, like the 1920’s Stock Market crash that plummeted Americans into years of starvation, unemployment, and poverty. Like the Housing Market Bubble that evicted thousands of people from their homes. The same one that President Donald J. Trump bragged about making money from.
Today is the last day. Tomorrow starts a different America. Deportations that will create a labor vacuum. Tariffs that will cause another inflation boom. Foreign affairs that will topple governments and cost lives. Chaotic and backwards thinking controlled by one single man, not a government, but a single person.
And when it goes bad, and it will, we only have ourselves to blame. We have refused to distinguish right from wrong, good from bad, and truth from lies.
If America survives, it’ll get another reboot. Liberalism will be the answer again. Just like every other time the pendulum swung. After Rockefeller and his petroleum corporation collected and burned all the electric powered trolleys. For just one little example.
But this time is different. This time we have a leader who is a known criminal and has no legal repercussions with the support of the Supreme Court. That’s never happened before.
Hold on to your hats.