Lee’s Eulogy

I went to Denny’s this morning. There was a table with a bunch of old men telling stories.

Old men at Denny’s restaurant in Lubbock.

It’s sad that Lee will never get to do that. I was looking forward to doing that with him, just being old.

He kind of always was an old man. He got mad at kids. And he pretty much knew everything. Even when we were young, we made fun of him for driving so slow and careful in his grandpa truck.

We had a great friendship. Too many stories to tell, and I remember more every day. I’ve been writing down things from my life for about 8 years now. Lee had his own folder from the start.

While I was writing this at Denny’s, the table was wobbly and my coffee spilled. I was thinking Lee would have something to say about that. “I’d like to meet the engineer that made these table legs!”

There were times we made each other laugh so hard, we were literally kicking and screaming. We never had a fight. If we ever were annoyed with each other, we just let it go somehow. That’s saying a lot, considering we lived in a truck, 4 x 8 sleeper for months at a time.

I don’t know why I never got annoyed, but from the day we met, I just accepted him the way he was. I’m pretty sure he did the same with me. I think that’s a rare thing.

He kept his sense of humor til the end. I’m so glad I got to hang out. I’m glad it happened quick with little suffering. I already miss him, but I still hear him. I’ll always hear him.

Lee and Me