
I’m a lousy student. I have a very limited ability to remember names, places, and dates, but still, I study.

I’ve always studied. For as long as I can remember. Before I was aware of it. Every moment, every shadow, every light, and every breeze. Part of me is looking for myself and another is just taking it all in. I’m a young soul, a child, ignorant and confused, but thoughtful and somehow instinctively wise. I easily can see the world as new and I try to figure it all out. I see patterns in our behavior, our upbringing, and personalities and I see them manifest into what we all become. Psychology mixed with anthropology from an uneducated loser. I’m naturally naive but have learned to trust and distrust people against my instincts, often to my own demise. I’m an adventurer, an explorer, and searcher.

I’m appalled at certain behaviors of certain people, but then do my best to understand their perspective. I try to empathize with people I don’t agree with. That outlook allows me to open the doors I choose and close others when I realize I have nothing to learn.

Nothing to learn from someone is a false statement. I should say, when I’ve grown tired of the conversation. There’s always something to learn if you stay engaged long enough.

I’m often surprised at what I learn from someone I didn’t expect to have anything to teach. Sometimes it’s subtle and unsubstantial, but it’s always a treat. Everyone has a hidden treasure within them. You just have to have patience. You can’t force a conversation and have anything worthwhile to gain.

My favorite thing to witness is an old person who has run out of patience. They have the ability to say something cutting and just walk away. There’s no consequence. They’ve missed out on nothing. They don’t have time in their lives to waste on a conversation that they want no part of. They have nothing to gain and no reason to learn any more about anything. It’s a beautiful thing.