The Judge and the Victim and the Justice and America!

If you don’t know, there is a brand new United States Supreme Court justice! Brett Kavanaugh will be a judge for the rest of his life. He was accused of a sexual assault that happened in the 1980’s, by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. He adamantly, fiercely denied it. There was an extremely publicized confirmation hearing where it basically came down to his word against hers.

Somehow, it became highly political. Both parties became enraged and accusatory. Both parties helped to continue the division our nation. Both parties handled this situation horribly.

The final conclusion, one could assume, is that the accused have to be proven guilty. Accusations have to be traceable and confirmed. This is the basis on which Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed to the highest court of the United States of America.

The part that disturbs me the most, is the attitudes. This seemingly new polarized political landscape has made me struggle with understanding everyone, on all sides. President Donald J. Trump seems to incite negative and disturbing public behavior. I see websites and Facebook memes that make me question the moral decency of some of my closest friends and family. I honestly can’t believe some of the things I have heard, read, and seen widely distributed by people I know and care about. Advocating running over protesters and calling for a civil war, just to name a few. I now question the intelligence of everyone with a bumper sticker or snide comment. -I’m not proud of that. It’s upsetting to realize this has all been just under the surface of our great country for years. Festering and waiting for it’s chance to burst out into the mainstream.

We are told to blame the Russians, or the Liberals, or the right wing extremists. We are told that the other side is blatantly against us and there are conspiracies in play, (as Judge Kavanaugh openly stated without offering any proof, somewhat ironically). We are told that a different opinion is just stupid or overly sensitive. We’re told to pick a side and fight for your freedom or it will be taken away. We’re told that our constitution is unwavering and amendments can’t be amended, even with the reality of toddlers and children being gunned down-murdered at school. We are told to stand up and recite the chants and believe and trust in our ONE almighty God or you are an unpatriotic heathen. Oddly enough, the roots of our unique American freedoms are based on the exact opposite of all of that.

We are NOT told to believe in each other.
We are NOT told to trust each other
We are NOT told to listen to each other.
We are NOT told to respect each other.
-Something’s wrong here.

As a victim of sexual abuse as a child, I am highly discouraged that Dr. Ford’s accusation was not considered valid. The President mocked her for not accurately remembering all the details. Anyone that has been a victim of abuse knows that we don’t catalog our memories, but we do remember our abusers. I have documented the multiple accounts in which I was abused and not one of those accounts has the same accuracy within the timeline. I simply do not remember, and it bothers me a great deal. Sometimes, I’m not even sure of my age when they happened. It makes it very difficult to write about it. Frustrating and distracting.

I also have known for a while that it would be futile to accuse the person who molested me, because I have no proof. I know my word will not stand up against theirs. I have considered a suit against them, mostly because I fear I’m not their only victim, but since that person is not in any position to influence the lives of millions of people with the stroke of a gavel, I will not pursue them. If they WERE nominated for a position of extreme power, I would feel absolutely obligated to challenge their character. I would assume ALL of my friends and family would feel the same way.

There are psychological explanations for why victims don’t remember details. No psychological knowledge was aptly considered in these hearings. In fact, it was overlooked and mocked. It truly is shameful.

As a parent, I worry about my children’s future. I worry that our current culture of hate and blame will permanently damage the foundation of our country’s liberty and justice.

We, as a country, should be better than this. We Are better than this! Our founders envisioned a better way of life. Why is it such a battle? It could be so easy if only people could focus on the things that are really important. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And not one of those things are defined as MY life, MY liberty, and MY happiness. Greed is not life. a lack of compassion and justice is not liberty, and wealth is not happiness.

Let’s stop spreading this virus of hatred.

It’s time to be kind. 


Patriotically signed,
Sidney V. Stephens