Thoughts on the Future

I’ve decided what to call the blind followers of bad politics. ‘Mold People’.

Why Mold People? Is it because they are easily shaped and sculpted into the worst people in the world? Close, but that’s not it.

It is simply based on a metaphor I came up with. Mold, as in a form of fungus. It grows fast and covers a large area if it’s in the right environment. It will take over and nothing can stop it.

It’s almost like a virus too. It spreads and takes over until it kills or makes the host very sick. But it’s not a virus, because we have vaccines for those and they don’t take over completely, and because we also have science. Smart people who understand stuff.

Mold People feed on negative thoughts, especially blame, fear, and hatred. The source is sensationalized news shows. Not the actual fact based News, but those opinion programs that pretend to be News. You know who they are.

The mold is always there. It’s underneath the rugs of the White House, and in News rooms, and around the family Thanksgiving dinner table.

It’s the negative nature of humanity that originally kept us safe from the other tribe that had an infectious disease or wanted to steal the meat from the fire. But we don’t need that anymore. We just need to be informed by trusted informants we can trust.

You may wonder, is the susceptibility of the mold based on intelligence? I don’t know. I’d hate to call someone stupid for being a follower of insanity. Let’s just call it evolved. No, that’s not any better.

The good news is that we now know what is happening. The environment is full of mold. The bad news is that there probably is very little we can do about it. It just might have to run its course.

Does that mean America will be a fascist nation in the future. Probably.

Does that mean the end for America. Not necessarily, but it will be a different America.

We can fear for democracy and our children, but honestly, they’ll be okay. Especially if they were born white and rich. Everyone else will have to struggle as usual. So not much will change really.

Sure, more people will suffer and die. The perception of our Rights will change and we will be forced to follow a different law. But that’s just the mold. It spreads and covers everything eventually.

But there’s hope.

Eventually the Sun will come out again and the mold won’t be able to thrive. It’s almost like a revolution. A changing of the season. A dark Winter followed by a fabulous Spring.

We won’t be alive to see the flowers grow again, but maybe our posterity will.

If we could only bury ourselves in the yard like a time capsule and come back when people are sane again. Where kindness and rationality matters. Where intelligence is aligned with morality. Where wealth and power are bad things again. Where people are actually equal without question. Where a mass influence of negativity would be unheard of.

So don’t worry about America. It’ll continue to perpetuate the atrocities of the past. It’ll always take advantage of the poor. And it’ll always strive to be corrupt. It’s just evolution.

Go ahead and vote the way you think you think. Keep watching that horrible TV show. If you are one of the Mold People, you’ll eventually win.